Have you ever had a dream that your family aspires to? That, “if only we had the finances, the spare time, the courage, a stronger faith”… You know the “only if the stars aligned” kind of dream… Our family did. We would sit around our kitchen table before the sun would rise, or late at night when the
work was done, and dream of the day we’d bottle our own milk.
For our family, our farm, that vision meant a whole new world of possibilities. It meant spreading the word about non-homogenized milk. It meant creating a platform to educate families on the benefits of wholesome, farm-to-table milk. It meant control over the quality of the milk that was put in the jugs and passed to our community, our neighbors. It
meant a more stable income, one that was less driven by the plummeting milk prices. It meant conserving our fourth generational-farm. It meant our children could be raised on a farm. It meant we could pass on a legacy.
But it was only a dream.
That is until we found ourselves at a crossroads. Milk prices were at an all-new low, and the cost to stay in business kept increasing. We knew something had to change. Either we needed to change our day jobs, or we needed to find our niche in the agricultural world we loved. So, we prayed. We waited. And slowly, God began opening doors and stretching out the hands of our neighbors to help us courageously take the next step. We were humbled day after day as
family, businessmen, fellow-farmer, and friends took us under their wing, taught us, and picked up a shovel, a broom, or an apron.
After a grueling amount of work and many more screw-ups than we’d like to remember, we broke ground in 2013 and bottled our first pint of wholesome Trinity Valley milk. The list of firsts started coming quickly after that! Our first three official products, (can you guess?) our non-homogenized, straight-from-the-cow whole milk, our one-of-a-kind Chocolate milk, and our buttermilk!
During the first week of production, we opened our storefront with homemade baked goods and local produce! When the store wasn’t open, we offered an old-fashion milk cooler to support our neighbors who wanted farm-fresh milk at their convenience.
It didn’t take long before we started expanding the baked goods available within our store, though always had the staple, chocolate chip, molasses, half-moon, pies, cinnamon rolls, pretzels, and of course, our homemade, just like grandma made-it, bread!
We were barely keeping up with the pace, let alone catching our breath, when we jumped into making artisan cheese curd! Because who doesn’t love, creamy, squeaky, fresh-from-the-farm cheese curd? And within a few years, we were able to add family favorites, such as heavy cream, eggnog (or you can say Christmas in a pint), mint chocolate milk, skim milk, 2%… What started out as a “simple” dream to bottle our own milk, led to an opportunity to influence people, promote quality wholesome milk with traceable ingredients, advocate for our fellow
farmers, and provide families with a farm experience to enjoy and create memories. The
journey so far has been unpredictable, yet full of blessings. As we lift our eyes to the future of Trinity Valley, we are eager to see what the Lord has in store.
If you are interested in hearing more about who we are, stories from the farm, RECIPES, and our plans for the future, like and follow us on social media! We would love for you to journey with us! And if you have a picture of us from “back in the day,” we would love to see it! Here are a few from our arsenal!

Farming with a “side” of construction…
We had a lot of help from the family and the community to help make this a reality. Keep in mind our kids were just toddlers at the time so that added to the challenges!

The two years of loading the truck with milk to be delivered to the stores! Most days this happened at 3 AM, before chores, bottling, AND before baking! If you ever wondered where our muscles started… Look no further! But, it is what we do at the farm to deliver fresh milk products to our community!

During the first year of making artisan cheese curd, we (by we, I mean Brandon and Rebekah), would HAND cut the cheese curd. No big tools just rolled up sleeves and good old fashion hard work! But, those fresh (still warm) and oh, so salty cheese curds are to die for!
And, do you remember the bags?? We sure remember hand-labeling each one! It’s amazing how taking a moment to look back reminds you of all the things to be grateful for!
Here are some of the first few “faces” our store had! This display shelf has a special place in our hearts because it was one of the MANY things built by Otis Young, or what the great-grandkids call him, “grandpie Otie.”
The two years of loading the truck with milk to be delivered to the stores! Most days this happened at 3 AM, before chores, bottling, AND before baking! If you ever wondered where our muscles started… Look no further! But, it is what we do at the farm to deliver fresh milk products to our community!